gummi Chandelier ii in detail

gummi Chandelier ii in detail
Inside the gummi bear Chandelier Jr.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

half way home...

I am half way back to Taiwan already.

Started smelling Mom's cooking, started craving for night market food, started hearing the rain, started feeling the need to walk fast on the street, and up and down in the subway stations...

The Co-Op show is 80% ready. Feel very excited and moved about this show that Roo and I put together, just for ourselves, to celebrate our decades long friendship. Roo started drawing on parts of paper, I would then continue from the little clues she left me, without knowing what she has drawn. The result is most surprising, because we do think the same, no matter how far we are from each other.

Aside from the heartwarming artist-friendship, I am in the midst of puzzling over Takashi Murakami's omnipresent star power in the whole city. Perhaps I have not understood his philosophy thoroughly. I will have to get one copy of his new book in Chinese translation when I go back to Taiwan and study hard to clear my prejudice. But I simply feel very very sad for millions of artists in Asia who have been creating artworks like his for ages. Life is not fair, it is never fair. But we all have our own path. Comparing with others will only drive us crazy and depressed. Comparing with the me yesterday is an easier way to live.

I love how Tilleke Schwarz put it on her website, "I treasure the idea that not everything in life is for sale." She has offered me a peaceful drop of dew that I can sip into a quiet mind, much like her artworks. Thank you, Tilleke!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


二阿姨上週一走了, 好友的爸爸星期天過世了


親自替他們的愛人裝飾漆畫環保的"紙盒棺", 播放愛人最喜歡的音樂歌曲,

要歌功頌德的人也可以, 因為我可以偶而愛面子一下,
完成各自的哀悼程序, 然後繼續你們自己的美麗人生!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

After two days...

After two days, I resume drawing.

Last time I drew, it was after Lilly came back from the vet on Monday evening. She was in intense labored breathing. I knew she needed a piece of quietness, no fussy emotional burden nor me crying nor worrying about her, I let her be alone to focus on breathing.
The drawing helped me focusing on something else.

She was such a considerate person that she would not create much burden on us. By Wednesday 5am, she has left us, leaving us in tears and broken hearts. It was easier when we put down our 22 year-old cat 5 years ago. I could not figure out what went wrong in this mourning process.

I think it is because we did not have a chance to say goodbye. Because we did not see this illness coming. Because she's only been with us for three years. Because she's such a character with unique personality, not cat-lity. Because she can fly like a bat. Because she always looks at you right in the eyes and sends you loud messages. Because much of her past on the street was unknown. Because she heard us talking about letting go. Because within 58 hours of discomfort, she left in a quick manner.
Like the usual Lilly, she can move in lightning speed if she wants to. We, however, was dragging heaviness and the desire to cry in every moment. The lead-weight heart was lifted after yesterday I realized that it was only because I did not tell her how much I love her before she left. Wanting her suffering to end but not expecting it to end this fast, the hypocritical us were unprepared.

But now that she knows I love her, I feel easier.

Still in broken heart, I wish her good luck on the road. With a good quality life with us, I'm sure she's happy to have her last supper of quail. After all, food is everything to her!
To our teacher and friend, Lilly the tuxedo cat, circa 1995 - 10/10/2007