gummi Chandelier ii in detail

gummi Chandelier ii in detail
Inside the gummi bear Chandelier Jr.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006






Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rosted duck asleep

Lilly slept in a roasted-duck-hanging-in-Chinese BBQ-resturant style, if you know what I mean.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

7 dangerous ingredients in your food!

oh do I love reports about toxic foods. I am always delighted to know that the safest way to eat in the US is to chew your own finger nails!


1) Sodium nitrite -- causes cancer, found in most processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, sausage. Used to make meats appear red (a color fixer chemical).

2) Hydrogenated oils -- causes heart disease, nutritional deficiencies, general deterioration of cellular health, and much more. Found in cookies, crackers, margarine and many "manufactured" foods. Used to make oils stay in the food, extending shelf life. Sometimes also called "plastic fat."

3) Excitotoxins -- aspartame, monosodium glutamate and others (see below). These neurotoxic chemical additives directly harm nerve cells, over-exciting them to the point of cell death, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock. They're found in diet soda, canned soup, salad dressing, breakfast sausage and even many manufactured vegetarian foods. They're used to add flavor to over-processed, boring foods that have had the life cooked out of them. (yaya's note: most conventional soy sauce contains monosodium glutamate.)

Source: A new book by Mike Adams, entitled "Grocery Warning" takes a scientific look at a plethora of problematic ingredients in the everyday foods we eat.

more on Organic Consumers Association's website

Art in walking distance

I have dreamed of living in a place where one would step over artists' bodies when walking out of one's studio.
I also want to live in a place where you can walk to see arts and buy a nice book.

In LA, that is almost like what is sounds like, A DREAM.
Yet my dream has come closer than ever.

Friday night, we walked out of our building, by foot, to a live performance 2 blocks away from us.

Inside the warehouse was a huge harp made of 40' long strings. String Theory improvised both in notes and body movement based on a video footage. The building-in-progress venue is mostly interesting with this performance, as if the building itself is improvising, too. The dancers and musicians are so tasty that I wish my sculptures are as good as their performance. Best of all, I forgot to bring my digicamera, damn... it was too good to miss a single minute, so don't ask me why I didn't run home to retrieve it.

If you are a performer or musician who's interested in experimental works, or love seeing risk-taking arts, check out Routes and Methods!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


每天去上班,並且花兩個小時以上的時間痛恨自己的工作, 唾罵上司或同事, 憎恨自己的生活更恐怖, 讓人有掉到懸崖底粉身碎骨的感覺!

小孟失業了, 鴨鴨辭職了, 同事Judy辭去全職工作到大學教畫畫去了, 收入不太夠, 但是心理暗爽又賺到好幾個小時創作的時間了. 給自己時間做自己想做的事算不算是一種收入? 鼓勵自己不論世事變遷, 我依舊要聆聽那讓我心情澎湃的渴望, 這種激勵算不算是一種收入?

我們從小被教育成靠"害怕"過日子的動物, 怕沒錢就要努力兼差, 怕不夠美就要在臉上塗粉, 怕失去自尊就要考第一名, 怕孤單就找個人結婚, 怕退休後沒人理就要趕快生小孩, 怎麼沒人教我們要如何過沒有恐懼的日子呢?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I am not a housewife.

I was talking about quitting my part time job yesterday. It reminded me of a friend who once asked me about what I do everyday.

I am fortunate enough to work in my studio most of the time, therefore giving people false conception that I am FREE all the time. Non-artists can't imagine what an artist's life is like, they can't even think of Art as a choice of career or a way to make a living. Young artists nowadays actually don't have a life as romantic as others think. The competition is fierce, the business is easy to start but difficult to maintain, the same as in all fields.

I am a slow artist, I don't know how to paint quick paintings; each sculpture takes from 3 weeks to 5 months to finish. I work 7 days a week, which means if I have to go to my part time job, I have to stay late to make up those lost hours. I work in the studio about 30 hours a week, another 30 hours is research, online marketing and business coordination. All these hours doesn't include reading 3-4 art magazines and endless of literature works (poems, more magazines, books) a month, plus house works and time with family. What about vacation and laundry? These two remain the most challenging for me.

Vacations take a lot of days off my studio time, because home in Taiwan is a long way to go for just a week. Careful advanced planning is crucial. As of laundry, we can blame that on the immoral neighbors who like to leave their clothes in the washers for 4 hours and don't pull them out...

Monday, August 21, 2006



讓我更加猶豫, 要走要留? 砵杯的結果也不會讓我甘心的啦!

賺了等於沒賺的錢, 還不如把時間拿來做創作, 賣掉一幅小畫就抵我兩個多禮拜的薪資, 這個世界真奇怪. 更不敢去比Disney的CEO那三千美元的時薪了!!
從沒想過要有一份全職的工作, 從小時候就一直是[全職藝術家], 非得是全職藝術家不可, 除非...
我命好所以不用負擔家計, 如果命好還不把握時機, 豈不是枉費天意嗎? 先辭了在說吧! 不捨便永遠也無所得, 一道門關上自然就有另一扇開!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

30 galleries in one night

There are average 30 art exhibit openings in Los Angeles every weekend. I am exhausted just visiting 5 of them in one night, not even talking about traveling from Downtown to westside on the poorly digested 10 freeway.
But Fette does most of the jobs for us who can't drive fast enough! She has tons, tons of images from her visiting galleries or shows. It may not be as good as seeing them live, but it sure helps keeping me posted of what's out there with my fellow artists.

and the award goes to:
Jason Hackenwerth!!
I went to the opening at Raid Project in the brewery. It was a "life altering" experience. May I crawl in your big balloon sculpture and live there, Jason?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


美國的西瓜沒有子,我得開到半個小時車程遠的有機超市尋覓會生小西瓜的大西瓜. 美國的葡萄也沒有子; "有子的是拿來釀酒用的,"有個農夫曾這麼告訴我. 我心想: 亂說,我們在台灣吃的葡萄都有子. 美國大部份的橙橘類水果也沒有子. 沒有子的食物會不會讓吃的人類動物也沒有子? 難怪不孕症越來越多!

印度的原產米有兩千多種, 美國專門研發基因改造種子的MONSANTO把大部份的印度米拿來改良, 變成所向無敵, 不需農藥並成長迅速的霸王米, 然後申請專利. 許多農民因此無法向以前一樣, 保留上一季收成的種子以栽植下一季, 造成成本大增; 或因為原本稻作受新種花粉"污染"而被一狀告到侵害專利法庭,從此破產. 自殺的農民數量逐年急遽上升...

希望台灣的水果不會被美國大商吃下; 如果有一天全世界的水果都沒有了種子,我們要怎麼教小朋友種豆芽菜的成就感呢? 連在家裡種辣椒可能也會犯法喔!

Saturday, August 12, 2006


陪我長大的趴皮 每天陪我玩的六趾Turbo
好心人救來的Romona 大姐的Alasabh教我不怕馬

Friday, August 11, 2006

Opening without wine

Welcome myself to the eBlogger!

I am creating a blog to communicate with virtual friends, talking about art in Ehglish and Chinese, sharing our passion for words. Some days in US, you may see exotic Chinese characters flying around my blog, sometime it'll do just fine in your old friendly English. Enjoy!

談談藝術,聊聊文字,不說英文的人也可以放心暢遊! 慶祝自己加入部落格的第一天! 希望朋友很快會出現!

Image copyrighted: Gummi Bear Chandelier/2005年的作品,甘貝熊做成的大吊燈